The Importance of Scheduling an Eye Exam

Your vision is an integral part of your everyday life and allows you to interact with your environment. You can ensure your eyes are healthy for many years by taking good care of them. 


Approximately 11 million people over the age of 12 in the United States need some vision correction. But, even if you're among those who don't need corrective vision, it's still essential to have an annual eye exam! Having an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) check your eyes annually can help you maintain healthy eyesight and check for any early signs of disease or issues.


Let's look at five reasons routine eye exams are so important:

  • Eye Exams and School. Good vision is essential for 80% of the information a child learns in school. A comprehensive eye exam is a great way to ensure your child can see clearly. In addition, an eye exam is the only way for you to be sure if your child can see well enough for other activities, such as sports. 

  • Reduce Myopia Progression. Nearsightedness or myopia is becoming more common than ever, and it's happening earlier. Nearsighted children diagnosed early in life often experience an increasing progression of nearsightedness through childhood. As a result, they are at greater risk of developing cataracts, eye disease, and retinal detachment later on in life. Your doctor will be able to evaluate your or your child's risk of developing myopia by scheduling a routine eye examination. You can reduce the risk of developing eye problems later by catching them early.

  • Vision Screenings vs. Comprehensive Eye Exams. While often offered, a vision screening test is not meant to replace a routine eye exam. Vision screening tests determine if there is a problem with vision. These tests can't diagnose your vision problem, but they indicate that a more thorough exam is necessary. Your optometrist will conduct comprehensive eye exams to evaluate your eyesight and overall eye health. Your risk of developing eye problems increases with age. Routine eye exams are crucial for detecting eye problems when vision screenings alone would not.

  • Reduce the Risk of Glaucoma. Glaucoma symptoms are often not apparent at first. As a result, people often develop vision loss before realizing something is wrong. If caught too late, this type of vision loss is irreversible. Your optometrist will perform a routine exam to detect high eye pressure or other signs of glaucoma early enough that you can prevent any severe damage to your vision.

  • Detect Health Issues or Diseases. A comprehensive eye exam can identify other health issues, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cancer. In addition, your eye doctor will examine the health and condition of the blood vessels in your retina, as it is a predictor of your overall health. By scheduling a yearly comprehensive eye exam, you can reduce your risk for diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.


The best way to ease the burden on your eyes and maintain eye health is by scheduling an annual eye exam at New U Vision. We're happy to answer any questions you may have or help you schedule an appointment. Visit our website to learn more, or call us at 815.363.1700 today!





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