Tips for First-Time Contact Lens Users

New U Vision-Tips for first time contact users
If you’re wearing contact lenses for the first time, it’s easy to feel intimidated. Vision is considered by many to be the most valued and important of the senses. While contacts are proven to be safe with proper usage, it's important to know how to use them correctly. Infection and damage to the eyes can occur with improper care. Here are some of the best tips to follow if you’re new to the world of contact lenses:

Wash your hands.
When it comes to inserting your contacts, be sure to always thoroughly wash your hands before insertion. Avoid oily and fragrance-heavy soaps, which can stick to your lens and end up in your eye. Be sure to dry your hands completely before putting the lenses in to minimize the chance of spreading germs to your eye and helps to prevent infection.

Remain calm.
Inserting and removing lenses might make you nervous at first, but as awkward as it may seem, there is no need to be afraid to touch your eye as long as your hands are clean. Another common fear of contact lenses is that they can somehow get “lost” behind your eye. Fear not — the inside of your eyelids are connected to the back of your eye, so there’s no way for your lenses to slip away and disappear.

Keep your lenses clean.
To make sure your contacts are good to wear, clean them regularly. Be sure to use fresh solution with every cleaning and to rinse the lenses and its case. Your optometrist will provide you with proper cleaning instructions based on the type of lens you’ve chosen. Make cleaning your lenses part of your routine, and don’t try to write your own rules.

New U Vision-Tips for first time contact users
Replace as directed.
Resist the temptation to wear your contacts beyond their intended time frames. Even daily disposable contacts may still feel fresh and adequate after the 24-hour period is up, but it's essential to dispose of the lenses as instructed. Also, you should never sleep with your contacts in. Using lenses beyond their instructed lifespan increases your risk of infection and, at the very least, discomfort for your eyes.

If you need contact lenses to give you a better view of life, come to New U Vision or call us at 815-363-1700. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have, and provide you with the help you need!


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