Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Annual Eye Exam

Approximately 11 million people over the age of 12 in the United States need some sort of vision correction. Even if you’re among those who don’t need corrective vision, it’s still important to have an annual eye exam!  

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Certain eyes diseases and issues might not show symptoms for awhile and can go unnoticed for a long time. Having a ophthalmologist (eye doctor) check your eyes annually can help you maintain healthy eyesight and catch any issues early for better treatment. 

What Happens During an Eyes Exam?
After asking some questions pertaining to your eyesight and overall health, your eye doctor will test for several areas of eye health. The doctor will use eye drops to enlarge your pupils so he or she can see inside your eyes and check for any issues. They eye drops do not hurt and your pupils will go back down within a few hours. 

Eye Exam Tests 
  • Visual acuity (sharpness)
  • Depth perception
  • Eye alignment 
  • Eye movement 

Sometimes during annual checkups, eye doctors have caught other non-eye related diseases such as blood pressure and diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy (diabetic eye disease) is an issue that many patients with diabetes have and can cause vision issues and even blindness. Through preventative annual eye exams, eye doctors have been able to catch diabetes even sometimes before the regular physician catches it.

Common Eye Diseases
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration

How often you need to see the eye doctor depends on your family’s health history. If your family has a history of diabetes or glaucoma then you should see the eye doctor at least once a year for eye health tests. In general, we recommend visiting the eye doctor once a year for early preventative care. If the eye doctor does find something, he or she will have found it early and be able to treat the issue before it becomes a major problem. 

Healthy Eyes 

Take care of your eyes and they’ll take care of you! Many people put their eye health second; however, taking care of good care of your eyes is crucial to overall health. Follow these tips for overall health and eyesight. 

Protect Your Vision Tips
  • Annual eye exams
  • Healthy diet 
  • Wear sunglasses 
  • Don’t smoke
  • Wear protective eyewear when necessary 
  • Take a break from screens 

The best way you can take care of your eyes is by having an annual eye exam for an eye doctor to look at your eyes and check for any early signs of disease or issues. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have or help you schedule an appointment. You can visit our website www.newuvision.com to learn more or call us at 815.363.1700


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